Lightbulb Factory

It’s been another busy week for me preparing for the next round of exhibitions.  The week began with the sale of another painting – this little piece called ‘Petrol Station’ which, thanks to the power of the internet went off to the person who owns the building as a birthday present! Weird but true.


The week continued with getting as much painting done as possible and preparing work for going off to the framers.  I don’t usually frame my work, preferring to block-mount it by hand normally, but I have been working on some square format pieces for  a change and think they will look brilliant framed up.  They are not ready for the blog yet but I’ll be posting them when I have them.

Finally, I got this piece finished.  ‘Lightbulb Factory’ depicts a building which has been in my life as long as I can remember.  Originally an Art Deco lightbulb factory known as the LUMA building, when I was young it was the derelict shell of a business called ‘Caravanland’ and I passed it often on the way to visit my gran.  It has since been converted into gorgeous, sexy apartments and looks as good as it did in it’s prime.  I have chosen to depict it as I remember it from childhood – using old archive images of a more forlorn time in it’s history.  I am fascinated by the life of buildings. We pass by as momentary observers in a much longer story.Image

That Red Dot Feeling…

That Red Dot Feeling...

It never gets old – that feeling you get when you sell a painting. Best described as a mixture of pure elation and a feeling of overwhelming humility, that someone liked a thing that you made with your own two hands, so much, that they want have it to look at forever.

This painting, called ‘Façade’, has been a personal favourite of mine since I finished it late last summer and it feels so good that it sold today to someone who loves it as much as I do. Quite strange to think that it will now hang in someone else’s house for years and years – becoming a part of their home and their lives.

I’ve been doing this a long time, but I hope I never become complacent and take the sale of a painting for granted. I hope it always feels like this 🙂

Preview at the Smithy Gallery


Sunday saw me and my partner attend my very first exhibition preview at the Smithy Gallery in Blanefield. The place was buzzing when we arrived to a greeting of champagne and canapes. Notably, many red dots were already on the walls only 15mins after opening.


The artwork was seamlessly curated and exceptionally high quality. My highlights were the works by Patricia Cain, Joyce Gunn Cairns, Henry Fraser, Gordon Wilson and Sam Cartman – artists whose work I have admired for a while. I also really liked the landscapes by Victoria Maxwell MacDonald and Marion Thomson.

Previews, if you have the nerve, are great opportunities to meet the artists and I am glad I pushed myself forward to introduce myself to Gordon Wilson and Stanley Bird. I had lovely chats with these two delightful artists and felt very welcome in this warm and inviting space thanks to gallery owner Natalie Harrison.

The icing on the cake of this exciting, cultured afternoon was that one of my paintings sold to a very lovely gentleman and I really couldn’t be any happier. Not a bad start to 2014…

Busy week for an artist

Busy week for an artist

So many little jobs to do this last week, getting things organised for my next exhibition and also taking down an exhibition that I curated (which was unfortunately closed early due to storm damage to the building). It never ceases to amaze me how quickly exhibitions can be taken down when it takes days and days to put them up!

Most of my time this week has been taken up with all the extra things you have to do as a professional artist and not so much painting – making mounts, ringing and stringing, signing, wrapping, delivering. It’s so good to see the 4 paintings I have been working on over the winter break finally going off to the Smithy Gallery, Blanefield. Here is one of them entitled ‘Structural Supports’ and the others can be found in my Gallery section.

Cannot wait for the preview next Sunday as I am exhibiting alongside some of my art heroes: Patricia Cain, Sam Cartman, Joyce Gunn Cairns and Gordon Wilson to name a few.

Work has begun on the next paintings, as of last night, so images will be coming soon…

Thanks for reading

Sneak peak

Sneak peak

So here is a little detail for one of the paintings I have been working on for an exciting exhibition I have coming up later this month. I worked all through the Christmas holidays to produce four new paintings for a rather lovely gallery who have asked me to exhibit. I’m keeping it all under wraps for just now but there is a big reveal coming soon…